Selected Publications

Bettigole C, Hanle J, Kane DA, Pagliaro Z, Kolodney S, Szuhay S, Chandler M, Hersh E, Wood SA, Basso B, et al. 2023. Optimizing Sampling Strategies for Near-Surface Soil Carbon Inventory: One Size Doesn’t Fit All. Soil Systems

Goodwin, D.J.; Kane, D.A.; Dhakal, K.; Covey, K.R.; Bettigole, C.; Hanle, J.; Ortega-S., J.A.; Perotto-Baldivieso, H.L.; Fox, W.E.; Tolleson, D.R. 2022. Can Low-Cost, Handheld Spectroscopy Tools Coupled with Remote Sensing Accurately Estimate Soil Organic Carbon in Semi-Arid Grazing Lands? Soil Systems

Ganz, T. R., J. McMurray, K. Covey, C. Bettigole, G. Benoit. 2021. Chemical Effects of Snowmelt on an Alpine Lake in the Wind River Range, WY Water Ail Soil Pollution

Turnbull, R., Foster, M., Faires, C., Singer, J., Downey, M., Bettigole, C., and K.R. Covey. 2019. Sudden decline disease in quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides), Forest Ecology and Management

Espenshade, J., J. D. Murdoch, T. M. Donovan, R. E. Manning, and C. Bettigole. 2018. Public acceptability of development in the Northern Forest of Vermont, USA – the influence of wildlife information, recreation involvement, and demographic characteristics. PLOS ONE.

Routh, D., Seegmiller, L., Bettigole, C. , Kuhn, C., Oliver, C.D., Glick, H.B. 2018. Improving the Reliability of Mixture Tuned Matched Filtering Remote Sensing Classification Results Using Supervised Learning Algorithms and Cross-Validation. Remote Sensing

Keeler, B. L., R. Chaplin-Kramer, A. D. Guerry, P. F. E. Addison, C. Bettigole , I. C. Burke, B. Gentry, L. Chambliss, C. Young, A. J. Travis, C. T. Darimont, D. R. Gordon, J. Hellmann, P. Kareiva, S. Monfort, L. Olander, T. Profeta, H. P. Possingham, C. Slotterback, E. Sterling, T. Ticktin and B. Vira. 2017. "Society Is Ready for a New Kind of Science—Is Academia?" BioScience

Kuhn, C., Bettigole, C., Glick, H. B., Seegmiller, L., Oliver, C. D., & Raymond, P. 2017. Patterns in stream greenhouse gas dynamics from mountains to plains in northcentral Wyoming. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences

Glick, H. B., C. Bettigole , D. S. Maynard, K. R. Covey, J. R. Smith and T. W. Crowther. 2016. "Spatially-explicit models of global tree density." Nature Scientific Data

Glick, HB, Routh, D, Bettigole, C , Oliver, CD, Seegmiller, L and Kuhn, C. 2016. Modeling the Effects of Horizontal Positional Error on Classification Accuracy Statistics. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing

Covey, K.R., Bueno de Mesquita C.P., Oberle, B., Maynard, D.S., Bettigole, C., Crowther T.W., Duguid, M.C., Steven, B., Zanne, A.E., Lapin M., Ashton, M.S., Oliver, C.D., Xuhui, L., Willimas, C., Gu, H & Bradford, M.A. 2016. Greenhouse Trace Gases in Dead Wood. Biogeochemistry.

Crowther, T. W., H. B. Glick, K. R. Covey, C. Bettigole , D. S. Maynard, S. M. Thomas, J. R. Smith et al. 2015. Mapping Tree Density at a Global Scale. Nature

Glick, H.B., Bettigole, C., Routh, D., Seegmiller, L., Kuhn, C., Khadka, A., Oliver, C.D. 2014. Wyoming's Aging Agricultural Community: Demographic Trends Among Farm and Ranch Operators, 1920-2007. Rangelands

Bettigole, C. , T. Donovan, R.E. Manning, and J. Austin. 2013. Normative Standards for Land Use in Vermont: Implications for Biodiversity. Biological Conservation.

Bettigole, C. , T. Donovan, R.E. Manning, J. Austin, and R. Long. 2013. Acceptability of Residential Development in a Regional Landscape: Potential Effects on Wildlife Occupancy Patterns. Biological__Conservation.